has great opportunities to get paid by participating in focus groups. These are legit and you can make great money. Usually between $40 and $350 if you are chosen. I signed up for one paying $40 for 45 minutes and another paying $200 for all day + paid parking and lunch.
This is for US only. People living in or near a major city.
Update - These are great opportunities to voice your opinions on products you love and make some money while doing it. I have recently participated in a focus group about Camel Tobacco Products. It only lasted 45 minutes and I was paid $40 and given Camel coupons to purchase cigarettes and Snus for $1 each. If you're a smoker than you probably know that's a great deal. My usual brand of Cigarettes cost around $6 a pack.
Also check out this website to take online surveys, phone surveys, mail surveys, focus groups, and more. This is not one of those online Research Companies that pay you $5 for an hour survey. They pay really good. Around $40 or more an hour.
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